This week we’re sharing our quick round-up of the people, products, & places we’re loving right now:
Last year we set an intention to be better organized around finances; fast-forward through months of research and we landed on Krisstina Wise’s “WealthyWellthy” program. Her resources are endless–we’ve been loving her straightforward approach and group calls that help to answer questions and keep us accountable. Krisstina is an award-winning author, and one of the 100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders. She has walked this program through from debt to millions not once but twice in her life following great personal hardship. If you’re looking for an efficient and effective reboot, we highly recommend!
Henry’s Organic Internal Cleanser – Matt has been taking this for years and swears by it for optimal health. It helps cleanse and eliminate toxic substances, strengthens immune system, and balances endocrine functions. It is also rich in vitamins, herbs, minerals, and fibers and helps to detoxify, rejuvenate, and regulate the body’s pH balance. This can be found at Greenline Organic Health.
We’re lucky to have this mecca just a few blocks from our office in Downtown Bellevue—it has quickly become a favorite. The Lincoln South Food Hall is a combination of six different offerings including poke bowls, street tacos, burgers, and pizza. There’s something for every craving and the open-concept seating is eclectic and inviting. Perfect for a quick lunch date!